Install EKumi


No download available at the moment, please wait for the first release.

EKumi can be installed in to different ways:

  • either on the top of an existing Eclipse IDE installation
  • or as a standalone product.

Depending on your needs you may choose one or the other.

On top of an existing Eclipse IDE installation

EKumi can be installed as a set of plug-ins directly within Eclipse IDE.

To this end, open the IDE, click on Help > Install new software... then paste the following URL in the dialog:

  • <URL not available yet>

Check the following features:

  • EKumi IDE Integration
  • EKumi IDE UI Integration
  • EKumi Java Scripting Language

Click on Finish, accept the licenses then Finish.

Wait for the installation to end then restart the IDE.

As a standalone product

To use EKumi as a standalone product you have to download the archive corresponding to your OS at the following address:

  • <URL not available yet>

You can then decompress it, and run the ekumi executable.

You are now ready to create a first workflow project.